Wednesday 31 August 2016

Anti diabetes drink 50/50 - Anti-Diabetes Drink - YouTube

Patient and family teaching also includes strategies to prevention hypoglycemia. Pacific Islanders and Samoans also had higher than average risk, while white, Native American, and African American women had lower than average risk [61]. The researchers concluded that there are similar pregnancy outcomes in women with GDM who follow a conventional high-fiber diet vs. For example, eating a handful of cherries is a lot better than eating an entire bag of cherries, and eating an entire bag of cherries may still be better for you than eating an entire bag of cookies! Fisetin, present in strawberries and onion, has been explored for these purposes. These abnormalities, as well as the care of neonates with problems related to hyperglycemia, will be discussed further later section of this course. User-generated content areas are not reviewed by a WebMD physician or any member of the WebMD editorial staff for accuracy, balance, objectivity, or any other reason except for compliance with our Terms and Conditions. This will allow the provider to assess the adequacy of the patient's nutritional intake and to compare carbohydrate intake with SMBG results. Always speak with your physician or other healthcare professional before taking any medication or nutritional, herbal, or homeopathic supplement, or using any treatment for a health problem. Jenkins DJ, Srichaikul K, Kendall CW, et al. Nearly 1 in 13 neonates born to mothers with pre-existing diabetes have one or more congenital anomalies. Metabolic syndrome: the presence of usually three or more of a group of factors (e.g, high blood pressure, abdominal obesity, high triglyceride levels, low HDL levels, and high fasting levels of blood sugar) that are linked to an increased risk of CVD and type 2 diabetes. Blood glucose levels from whole food carbohydrates, such as legumes, vegetables, and whole grains, peak about 2 hours after ingestion [14]. A1C: a test that measures the percentage of hemoglobin that has become glycated from excess glucose in the blood. Stanhope KL, Schwarz JM, Keim NL, et al. The patient's recent glycemic control should be evaluated prior to pregnancy. This early derangement of metabolism appears to increase the risk for being overweight and having metabolic syndrome in youth and young adulthood [2, 31]. Expert. The development of serious large-vessel disease is also associated with diabetes. If retinopathy is not present before pregnancy, the risk of it developing during pregnancy is low [36]. At the time of delivery, a blood sample from the umbilical cord may be used to check the neonate's plasma glucose level. Edema, particularly in the legs, hands, and face, is a common symptom. Ryan Bradley, ND, MPH is a naturopathic doctor, clinical researcher and epidemiologist in San Diego, CA. Significant renal disease is associated with a high risk of infant mortality, and these risks are even greater when hypertension accompanies renal disease.

Treatment of neonatal erythremia involves partial-exchange transfusion through the umbilical vein with plasma protein fraction or albumin. Women who develop GDM earlier in pregnancy have a higher risk for onset of type 2 diabetes postpartum [56]. General psychological stress can be brought on by significant life events, such as the death of a spouse, changing jobs, or dealing with a loved one's illness. In pregnancy, metformin crosses the placenta in significant amounts. According to the ADA, the goals of medical nutritional therapy during pregnancy are to provide adequate energy and nutrients needed for optimal outcomes. In addition to macrosomia, maternal obesity is also a risk factor for shoulder dystocia [27]. On December 20th, 2006, The United Nations declared diabetes a global threat, and to help increase awareness of this epidemic, designated November 14th as World Diabetes Day. This is compounded during pregnancy, which itself can increase gingival inflammation. In pregnancies complicated by pre-existing diabetes, medical nutrition therapy involves managing the nutritional needs of the pregnancy along with the role of diet in diabetes. Prenatal healthcare providers can predict macrosomia and estimate birth weight using clinical assessment techniques and tools, including measurements of fundal height and uterine palpation. The effects of GDM can extend beyond the prenatal and perinatal periods and cause health problems long after gestation and birth [2]. Pregnancy does not increase the risk for the development of most neuropathies, with the exception of gastroparesis. Fetal exposure to maternal blood glucose concentrations of more than 130 mg/dL is associated with an increased risk for childhood overweight/obesity at 3 years of age, with higher blood glucose levels correlating to greater risk to offspring [30]. This indicates that hyperglycemia in utero does play a role in the development of significant health problems in the years to come [2, 31]. One reason for this is that there tend to be significant differences among individuals in their glycemic response to the same foods. Especially during the summer months it's easy to find fresh fruits, and because of its sweetness, it is easier to eat than vegetables for many people. New diabetes supplements on ketogenic diet The disease may first appear during pregnancy or may be a pre-existing condition. If this alone does not achieve target glucose levels, insulin therapy or treatment with selected oral agents is indicated. Women should modify or limit their physical activity when there is evidence of fetal growth restriction. This refers to impairment in the body's ability to utilize insulin. According to the study authors, "maternal hyperglycemia less severe than that used to define overt diabetes is related to clinically important perinatal disorders or problems and their effects can be reduced by means of treatment, although a threshold for the need for treatment is not established" [69]. Prior to publication of the HAPO findings, a two-step approach was most widely used to screen for and diagnose GDM in the United States. Careful fetal surveillance and allowing a pregnancy to come to full term can reduce the risk. While polycythemia infers an elevation in the total blood cell mass, the problem associated with infants born to diabetic mothers involves an elevation of only the red cell mass, not the white blood cells or platelets. 2011年12月29日 -  Dr. Oz's Anti-Diabetes Drinkjerrymc By jerrymc Latest Reply 2011-12 Caroltoo 2011-12-26 19:50:07 -0600 3 Report I use vinegar and In general, these medications have a low-risk, high-benefit safety profile when used during pregnancy [17]. Pregnant women should not take ARBs, as they may cause fetal malformations. However, congenital malformations take place during the first 9 weeks of pregnancy, while the diagnosis of GDM usually takes place at 24 to 28 weeks. Thyroiditis causes hormone levels can affect to fluctuate widely in the months following delivery. Only women whose results were blinded were included in the analysis of results [69]. An increase of three BMI units, or approximately 18 pounds, increases GDM risk by more than three times. However, for those with diabetes, the ongoing risk of pregnancy may outweigh the temporary risk of the surgical procedure. Because of these and other studies, many doctors and nutritionists are now cautioning against excess fructose consumption by minimizing fructose-sweetened drinks, sodas and foods (Quick tip: Look for and avoid "high-fructose corn syrup" and "crystalline fructose" when you find it on food labels!). Glipizide is another sulfonylurea used to treat type 2 diabetes. Patients with pre-existing diabetes may have complications, such as CVD, retinopathy, nephropathy, or neuropathy, requiring modification of the exercise plan. Any perceived reduction in fetal movement should be reported immediately. Certain techniques and behaviors can be encouraged to improve coping.

Anti diabetes drink 50/50

For pregnant women, experts recommend exercise types that avoid the supine position and minimize the risk for loss of balance. Blood glucose testing results are also used to assess the effectiveness of therapy and to guide adjustments in diet, medications, and activity levels. that the beverages you drink can also have an effect on your weight and blood glucose as you work to control your diabetes. Protein Foods What Can I Drink? Fruit and vegetable intake and incidence of type 2 diabetes mellitus: systematic review and meta-analysis. If a woman becomes pregnant while taking metformin or glyburide, it is safe to continue these drugs for a short time, pending the initiation of insulin, as they appear to be relatively safe compared to the teratogenic effects of hyperglycemia [9]. As VanDinter eloquently writes, the loss of the fetus represents the "loss of their future" [121]. An ADA conference consensus on GDM concluded that the mean peak postprandial glucose concentration for nondiabetic pregnant women is approximately 94-126 mg/dL. It will explain the physiologic changes of gestation that cause elevated blood glucose and the risks this presents to mother and fetus. Following the immediate postprandial period, unused glucose is stored in muscle and liver tissue as glycogen. Vaginitis, especially monilial infections, is common. Sometimes you may need to be a detective. Here are some possible causes of high blood sugars: Not enough insulin or oral diabetes medication Furthermore, women who used insulin detemir had a similar reduction in A1C and lower fasting plasma blood glucose at weeks 24 and 36 compared to those using NPH insulin. In these women, research indicates that moderate caloric restriction does not seem to impair fetal growth and may prevent macrosomia [93, 94, 95]. Both hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism can affect the course of diabetes. Most cases of GDM occur early in the third trimester because of these metabolic changes. However, there is limited human data to support the use of glipizide during pregnancy. Because retinopathy can progress very quickly, these patients are likely to require many laser sessions. Other risk factors for GDM include age older than 25 years, overweight/obesity, and personal history of GDM or family history of diabetes [8]. Incretin enhancers, also known as dipeptidyl peptidase (DPP)-4 inhibitors or gliptins, interfere with an enzyme that rapidly inactivates the incretin hormones. The trial results indicated that almost half of patients using metformin ended up requiring supplemental insulin to meet blood glucose targets. It can also identify individual variations in glycemic response to certain foods, allowing the patient to make decisions about what to eat and to improve self-management skills. Physical activity supplements medical nutritional therapy, to the degree that physical activity is appropriate. Fruit contains much more than fructose, of course. The safety and effectiveness of the glycemic index for women who have GDM has been the subject of research, and the results remain inconclusive. Fountain of Youth and Anti-Aging Remedies. Jul 17, 2016. We all want to find the Fountain of Youth! Who doesn't want to live forever, or at least look as if age To be effective, nurses must allow the woman and her family to grieve in their own way and accept the emotions that they demonstrate [14]. This course has reviewed the many aspects of pregnancy complicated by diabetes. As a leading cause of blindness, kidney failure, lower extremity amputation, and cardiovascular disease (CVD), diabetes presents a liability to available resources and the quality of life of the individuals and families that it affects [1]. The potential for agreement on diagnostic criteria for GDM came in 2008, upon publication of the findings from a landmark study on the effects of hyperglycemia and pregnancy. Notably, HAPO researchers found that there was a continuous relationship between maternal hyperglycemia and pregnancy outcomes rather than a definitive cut-off point. Both the vinegar and fiber in the drink will help slow the absorption of sugar Dr. Oz's Anti-Diabetes Drink. All ingredients; ADD CANCEL. Propylthiouracil (PTU) is the safest anti-thyroid medication for use in pregnant women. Respiratory distress is a common and potentially severe complication in infants born to mothers with diabetes. However, stress and pain can cause an increase in blood glucose. ★Diabetics A★ diabetic food journal with calorie count. Diabetics A diabetes type 2 health promotion how to cure diabetes american diabetes assoc conference. Glimepiride and acarbose are also relatively safe, with studies showing no evidence of risk in humans. As discussed, GDM refers to diabetes that develops during pregnancy and complicates approximately 2% to 10% of all pregnancies [1]. For women in particular, 12.6 million of those older than 20 years of age have diabetes, comprising 10.8% of the adult female population in the United States [1]. Incretins are digestive hormones released from the small intestine after eating in response to the post-prandial rise in blood glucose. In this case, another person should give 1 mg glucagon intramuscularly to the patient and call for emergency assistance. While hyperglycemia has injurious effects on large blood vessels, hyperinsulinemia is also responsible for the damaging effects to the cardiovascular system. Later in life, offspring of diabetic mothers are more likely to develop metabolic conditions such as diabetes, obesity, and CVD. However, a risk of recommending frequent meals is that patients may take in too many calories if portion sizes are not carefully controlled. Additionally, insulin-induced hypoglycemia is more pronounced in pregnancy and is more dangerous to the fetus. In this study, the researchers concluded that the chronic inflammation of periodontal infection appears to induce insulin resistance and lead to GDM [18]. Stanhope KL, Bremer AA, Medici V, et al. Research has concluded that lack of folic acid supplementation around the time of conception may double the risk of congenital heart defects in offspring born to women with diabetes [38]. Her nursing experience includes direct patient care, case management, staff development, program development and health education. Information on this website is provided for informational purposes only and is a result of years of practice and experience by the author. The primary adverse effect associated with the sulfonylureas is hypoglycemia, and instruction on hypoglycemia prevention and treatment is necessary when using these drugs. Jun 2004;89(6):2963-2972. As a patient advocate, take the opportunity to educate patients on the importance of screening for type 2 diabetes 6 to 12 weeks postpartum. Fetal ultrasound can detect major anatomic abnormalities in the fetus, assess fetal growth status, and provide an estimate of fetal weight. If hypoglycemia develops, the patient should immediately consume 15-20 grams of fast-acting carbohydrate. Avoid the rollercoaster ride of blood-sugar highs and lows with this drink, Dr. Oz's Anti-Diabetes Drink. Yield: 1 servings Calories: 20. Theme: Diabetic-Friendly This course will describe the causes of the different types of diabetes and their effects on the health of the pregnant woman and her child, both before and after birth. It concluded that the measurement of A1C is not a useful alternative to OGTT in pregnant women, based upon significant lack of association with birth weight and cord serum C-peptide levels [76]. Medications that may be contraindicated in pregnancy include statins, angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors, angiotensin receptor blockers (ARBs), and some oral antidiabetic agents [23]. This can adversely affect glycemic control and lipid metabolism during pregnancy. How to. Overnutrition is defined as "the delivery of nutrients in excess of the needs required for normal growth" [33]. While the neonate continues to produce insulin and is affected by prenatal insulin stores, hypoglycemia can result soon after birth. Elevated triglycerides and reduced levels of high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol typify the dyslipidemia of type 2 diabetes. The Body Ecology Diet is sugar-free, mineral-rich and also helps conquer this dangerous blood borne infection, candida. In addition to routine cardiovascular assessment, the preconception evaluation should include additional tests for women at high risk. This information is not intended as a substitute for the advice provided by your physician or other healthcare professional or any information contained on or in any product label or packaging. In addition, she faces a greater likelihood of hospitalization during her pregnancy [14]. Like hypocalcemia, the severity of hypomagnesemia is in direct relation to maternal status. Prolonged hyperglycemia leads to changes in the structure of the microscopic vessels that supply the retina of the eye, the glomeruli of the kidney, and the peripheral and autonomic nerves. The A1C is routinely measured every 3 to 6 months in people with diabetes. Rapid-acting analogs, such as insulin lispro and aspart, are safe for use during pregnancy, demonstrating minimal transfer across the placenta and no evidence of teratogenesis, as well as being effective. In the pregnant woman with diabetes, it can reduce fetal adiposity, improve glucose control, limit weight gain, and promote better tolerance of labor. Although it is a relatively weak antihypertensive agent, methyldopa has a reassuring safety profile for use in pregnancy. Hypoglycemia in the newborn is defined as blood glucose of 45 mg/dL or less, usually without any other signs. The future risk for type 2 diabetes will be discussed in detail later in this course, including possible preventative measures. The simplest sugars are called "monosaccharides" and are relatively small. A multi-disciplinary team approach provides the most comprehensive patient care. If retinopathy is present, the risk of progression during pregnancy is double that during the non-pregnant state.

As an organ that can make or store glycogen, the liver plays a major role in the regulation of blood glucose levels. When hypoglycemia is very severe, the patient will be unable to swallow. Intensive insulin therapy, with three to four injections per day, or use of an insulin pump may be required in order to achieve the blood glucose targets recommended for preconception care [14, 36]. PLoS One. 2011;6(6):e21226. Measurements of orthostatic heart rate and blood pressure can detect autonomic neuropathy, while sensory and reflex testing of the lower extremities assesses for peripheral neuropathies. Cortisol plays an important role in diabetes, as it stimulates glucose production by the liver in addition to increasing insulin resistance. Helping people build stronger disease resistant cells. Genes do not determine disease on their own. Genes function only by being activated, or expressed, and In nonpregnant people with diabetes, long-acting insulin analogs have the benefit of having a lower risk for hypoglycemia because of their long elimination half-life and lack of peak insulin action. Glucose and fructose on the other hand are usually absorbed from the intestine quickly by a number of sugar transport enzymes the most dominant of which is called "GLUT2". The concurrent use of spermicide increases the effectiveness of both of these options. The obstetrical and postpartum care of pregnancy complicated by diabetes requires additional surveillance due to the high-risk nature of the pregnancy. Theoretically, if used properly, barrier methods have a 98% effectiveness rate [127]. Placental abruption is the premature separation of the placenta from the uterus before the baby is born. Anti iaa diabetes The effects of GDM on the health of the mother and her offspring are significant. After a time, the cells attach to blood vessels and begin releasing insulin. Although this finding may relate to differences in fructose, other variables like differences in take of fiber and flavonoids may also contribute. Therefore, every prenatal visit should include a measure of the blood pressure. Long-term monitoring of thyroid function is necessary in women who experience postpartum thyroiditis, as about 30% will develop permanent hypothyroidism within 3 to 4 years.

Birth control counseling or considering a change of medication may be warranted. If there is pre-proliferative eye disease before pregnancy, it is likely to progress to active proliferation. The excess amniotic fluid can distend the amniotic sac and cause premature rupture of the membranes. If a patient has significant proliferative retinopathy in the preconception period, it should be stabilized before she becomes pregnant. Keep reading. Maternal hypertension and urinary tract infections are also associated with GDM and increase the risk for preterm labor. May 2009;119(5):1322-1334. If a woman with a history of GDM has prediabetes, she should make appropriate alterations in lifestyle and perhaps use metformin to prevent the development of frank diabetes [23]. Research indicates that women with cardiometabolic risk factors prior to pregnancy have an increased risk for GDM. A successful pregnancy outcome depends on maintaining normal thyroid function and excellent glycemic control [54, 55]. Although patients with GDM may be overwhelmed with the current situation, they also face making long-term adjustments to their lifestyle to address a future risk for type 2 diabetes. A mother's diet before pregnancy appears to influence her metabolism during pregnancy, which may have important associations with a child's health at birth and later in life. A significant percentage of women who are overweight or obese will develop GDM when they become pregnant. An additional beneficial effect of these medications is delayed gastric emptying, which increases satiety and promotes weight loss. Individual cases may be treated with diet and exercise therapies, oral medications, insulin, or any combination of these. However, this differs among domestic entities and international communities. Nevertheless, even if safe with regard to organogenesis, it will be important to study metformin's effect on the offspring during the growth years and later in life. Natural remedies for diabetes tips Because maternal hyperglycemia is strongly associated with neonatal hypoglycemia, the mother's blood glucose should be carefully monitored during labor. The risk of spontaneous abortion is as high as double that of the general population, and the risk for congenital malformation is 2 to 5 times greater. However, the insulin that is produced is either insufficient for the needs of the body or is poorly utilized by the tissues, as with insulin resistance. They are also likely to experience significant anxiety related to anticipating a future of increased medical responsibilities and associated costs. When blood glucose levels are low, the liver releases some of its stored or synthesized glucose and blood levels rise. The total daily insulin dose begins at 0.7-1.0 units/kg actual body weight and will require ongoing adjustment throughout the pregnancy. As mentioned, experts do not recommend alternate site testing during pregnancy; the fingertip is the preferred site for capillary blood collection. However, there is considerable individual and day-to-day variability in this. Traditionally, women who have had LGA infants are categorized as high risk for future development of type 2 diabetes, even if they do not have GDM during the pregnancy. New mothers should initiate breastfeeding within the first hour of life whenever possible. Type 2 diabetes accounts for 95% of all diabetes cases, and in the U. Maintaining skin-to-skin contact immediately after birth also reduces thermal stress and stabilizes the newborn's blood glucose [118]. In pregnant women not known to have diabetes, the ADA recommends screening at 24 to 28 weeks' gestation using a 75-gram 2-hour OGTT. Possible anomalies of the heart include asymmetric septal hypertrophy, transposition of the great vessels, ventricular septal defects, and/or cardiomyopathy. This group includes such well-known personalities as fructose (the main sugar in fruits) and glucose (the main sugar in our bodies- which is why when you or your doctor checks your "blood sugar", it is the glucose in your blood that is measured). Providers who work with this population may be in the unique position to assist women and their families through the process of grief when a pregnancy ends in stillbirth or an infant is born with significant health problems. While certain oral medications are feasible during pregnancy, insulin is often the treatment of choice in GDM. Breast milk has a unique composition of macronutrients and other bioactive substances that may influence the young infant's metabolic programming in a beneficial way.

In the most severe cases of jaundice, an exchange blood transfusion or treatment with intravenous immunoglobin may be necessary [120]. Continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) may be useful in select pregnant patients with type 1 diabetes, especially in those with hypoglycemia unawareness. In this condition, antibodies stimulate the thyroid to enlarge and overproduce thyroid hormone. This may protect against metabolic syndrome later in life [116]. Diabetes was once rare but today is believed to be mostly attributed to the unhealthy weight gain, obesity, and lack of exercise so common in all modern western nations. However, it is not feasible for all patients and other contraceptive options to avoid unplanned pregnancy should be discussed. Susan Semb, MSN, RN, CDE, received her Master's degree in nursing from the University of San Diego. A landmark study published in 2002 concluded that people at risk for type 2 diabetes could delay or prevent its onset with lifestyle modification [5]. Metabolic programming appears to be a critical factor in the development of obesity and its comorbidities [33]. These include anencephaly, spina bifida, and caudal dysplasia. These risks are minimized when the formulation contains less than 35 micrograms of estradiol and a low progestin dosage. Click here! While macrosomia occurs in about 10% of pregnancies overall, it occurs in 27% to 62% of infants born to mothers with diabetes [124]. Pregnant women with diabetes are more likely to have hypertension and pre-eclampsia, while the infant has a higher risk for congenital anomalies and birth injury. Data from the HAPO study reveal that women with GDM who are obese have a significantly higher risk for adverse pregnancy outcomes, including macrosomia, fetal hyperinsulinemia, and pre-eclampsia. Starting insulin prior to pregnancy not only provides the opportunity for glycemic control but also allows the patient to become familiar with and comfortable using insulin. When a woman has diabetes, her emotional responses to the pregnancy may be more profound. Pumps also offer the benefit of a more normal lifestyle, allowing users added flexibility with meal and activity patterns. Patients may also be advised to direct stress-related energy toward something more positive, such as exercise, hobbies, charity, or other pursuits of interest. Strict bed rest at home requires the woman to lie in bed, sitting and standing only when necessary. A major risk of islet cell transplantation is that anti-rejection drugs are needed to keep the transplanted cells functioning, and these drugs can have significant side effects. Remission of Graves' disease in later pregnancy may result from the natural suppression of the immune system during pregnancy. Infants delivered after shoulder dystocia may experience brachial plexus injury, hypoxia, and even death. If proliferative disease develops during pregnancy, the patient urgently requires laser treatments to preserve her vision. There may also be racial and ethnic variables that affect the future risk for development of type 2 diabetes in women with a history of GDM. While ACE inhibitors and ARBs are commonly used for blood pressure control in patients with diabetes, these medications are contraindicated in pregnancy. Hence, erythremia may be a more precise term to describe the condition [14]. There is a direct relationship between the severity of the hypocalcemia and the glycemic control of the mother. A major concern about glargine is that it is able to bind with growth factors that may influence fetal growth. As naturopathic doctors our bias will always lean toward recommending a natural food based by diet, rich in fruits and vegetables. As renal blood flow and the glomerular filtration rate increase by 30% to 50% during pregnancy, the risk for proteinuria increases. When blood pressure exceeds 140/90 mm Hg, the ADA recommends pharmacologic treatment in addition to lifestyle modification [9].
Studies have consistently concluded that careful preconception care can prevent or reduce the risk for congenital malformations and spontaneous abortion. Feelings associated with fetal demise may include guilt, anxiety, depression, deprivation, frustration, victimization, and anger. The European Association for the Study of Diabetes predicts that the rate of increase under the new criteria would make GDM a factor in almost one-third of all pregnancies [86]. Our antifungal Diet is without a doubt the perfect diet for a diabetic because diabetics have a systemic yeast infection called Candidiasis. For women with diabetes, the failure rate may be even greater, as they are more likely to have irregular menstrual cycles. Individuals with diabetes have an increased risk of developing thyroid disorder, and thyroid dysfunction during pregnancy is three times more common in women with diabetes. This results in a significant decline in the mother's insulin needs at this time. She will need to intensify her diabetes management on a daily basis and to devote a significant amount of time to her medical care. The patient with type 2 diabetes usually produces enough endogenous insulin to prevent ketoacidosis from occurring. Click here. Type 2 diabetes is by far the most common type of diabetes, accounting for 90% to 95% of all cases [4]. Infants born to mothers with diabetes are also at risk for electrolyte abnormalities, such as hypocalcemia and hypomagnesemia. In the second trimester, the "diabetogenic" stress of pregnancy begins. Breastfeeding infants born to mothers with diabetes may protect children from obesity and early-onset diabetes in the future. Well-known risk factors for diabetes include age, genetic predisposition, and lifestyle choices that contribute to overweight and obesity. Early initiation of breastfeeding also helps prevent hypoglycemia. A universal change to the simplified approach would result in two to three times more GDM diagnoses, an estimated 18% of pregnancies [73]. The primary goal of medical nutritional therapy for GDM is to keep postprandial blood glucose as close to normal as possible.

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