Saturday 3 December 2016

Antidiabetic herbal formulation principles clothing -

Most herbs and herbal medicines have complex therapeutic personalities.  The nature of the human being is equally multifaceted and complex - not just in the personality, but also in the constitutional makeup of humor and temperament, and in the conditions and disorders one can suffer from.  So much of herbal medicine is simply matching the therapeutic profile of the herb or formula with the syndrome or constellation of signs and symptoms being presented by the patient.  Once this is done, the key is found, and the gate to health and recovery is unlocked as the patient's complaints are neutralized, resolved and brought back into balance. PubMed: [The role of CYP2E1 in the protection of garlic oil's from n-hexane-induced neurotoxicity]. Herbal medicines to clear away any morbid excesses, impurities, obstructions or superfluities that remain should be given before the organism can be properly nourished, restored or rebuilt with the right herbal tonics and restoratives.  In patients who are very weak, frail or emaciated, tonics and restoratives can be combined with gentle cleansers. Purgatives, especially the stronger ones, are very vigorous and extreme in their action, and should be used sparingly and cautiously, and only in cases of acute excess accumulation of morbid matter.  If the excess or obstruction occurs above the navel, emetics are usually indicated; if below the navel, downwards purgatives are used.  Being so vigorous in their action, purging medicines drain a lot of metabolic heat from the body; and so, their temperament is usually Cold. What made Dioscorides' herbal so groundbreaking and revolutionary was that it wasn't just an alphabetically arranged encyclopedia of herbs.  In it, herbs  and other medicinal substances were categorized and arranged according to their basic or predominant therapeutic actions and effects into therapeutic groupings.  This, he argued, would facilitate the learning, understanding and assimilation of pharmacological knowledge. PubMed: Randomized double-blind factorial trial of three treatments to reduce the prevalence of precancerous gastric lesions. ABOUT US. We value excellent academic writing and strive to provide outstanding paper writing service each and every time you place an order. We write essays Acrid:  Synonyms are rough, sharp, harsh.  Similar heating and drying influence as pungent, but more drying than heating. PubMed: Preclinical perspectives on garlic and cancer. PubMed: Effect of garlic oil in experimental cholesterol atherosclerosis. PubMed: Antimicrobial properties of garlic oil against human enteric bacteria: evaluation of methodologies and comparisons with garlic oil sulfides and garlic powder. Liver:  astringes and tones the liver if it has become too sluggish and congested.  Examples are Agrimony, Milk Thistle seed, Centaury and Chebulic Myrobalan. PubMed: Effect of garlic oil on the levels of various enzymes in the serum and tissue of streptozotocin diabetic rats. Nervine herbs include Yerba Mate, Gotu Kola, Ginkgo biloba, Wood Betony and Damiana. Hurry, This Offer Ends In 3 Hours. Most of the other herbs in this formula support and expand on the action of Mastic in strengthening and improving the stomach and digestion.  Chief among these stomach and digestive tonics are Cardamom, Ginger, Cyperus and Costus root. PubMed: Ruminal methane inhibition potential of various pure compounds in comparison with garlic oil as determined with a rumen simulation technique (Rusitec). PubMed: [Effects of garlic oil, age and sex on n-hexane metabolism in rats].

Many say that herbal medicine first grew and evolved as an effort to find effective antidotes to the bites of venomous snakes and insects, as well as other poisons.  Often, these antidotes were combined into complex electuary or medicinal paste formulations called Mithridates. Chest and Lungs - Pectorals:  Pectorals improve the circulation of vital energy in the chest and lungs and help expel phlegm congestion and open the respiratory passageways, although they are not expectorants that specifically act on phlegm.  Some pectorals are mildly cooling, soothing and moistening, like Licorice root, Lungwort, Jujubes and Coltsfoot.  Other pectorals are heating or warming and drying, like Elecampane, Marshmallow root, Mustard seed, Hyssop and Lemon Balm. PubMed: Effect of garlic oil on neutrophil infiltration in the small intestine of endotoxin-injected rats and its association with levels of soluble and cellular adhesion molecules. The R& D Scenario in Indian. However, the data are certainly limited and no formula has been PubMed: Diallyl disulphide and lovastatin: effects on energy and protein utilisation in, as well as methane emission from, sheep. Certain other herbs can have both manifest and hidden virtues.  For example, the Ayurvedic herb Arjuna (Terminalia arjuna) is strongly astringent in taste.  The powder can be rubbed into inflamed, bleeding gums to heal and strengthen them; many astringent herbs are good for this purpose.  But taken internally, Arjuna is a valuable heart tonic, a medicinal effect that can't be explained by its astringency or other manifest qualities and virtues.  And, unlike Mistletoe, Arjuna is much safer and less potent regarding administration and dosage. Saltpetre, or Potassium Nitrate, is an ingredient of gunpowder.  Medicinally, it is taken internally in small doses to deaden one's libido and sexual desire. Dry herbs and medicines help the body eliminate excess fluids, phlegm and dampness.  Many are expectorants, diuretics or astringents. PubMed: [Effects of garlic oil on 2, 5-HD induced lipid peroxidation damage in rat nerve tissues]. PubMed: Diallyl trisulfide suppresses dextran sodium sulfate-induced mouse colitis: NF-κB and STAT3 as potential targets. Virilifics are herbs that improve male sexual function and potency.  There's a high degree of overlap between virilifics and adaptogens because strong adrenals support healthy male sexual function; many of them are also essence tonics, because fertility is closely related to potency.  Virilifics include Ginseng, Bee Pollen, Damiana, Royal Jelly and Human Placenta. In Unani Medicine, the premier Hepatic herb is Chicory root (Chicorium intybus).  In improving liver function and bile metabolism, Chicory root is a choleretic and cholagogue; it is also a mild laxative or aperient, urinary tonic, antidiabetic, nutritive tonic and blood builder. Anyone who has worked with herbs therapeutically for any length of time quickly learns that certain herbs have definite affinities for certain organs and parts of the body.  Indeed, one could even draw a diagram of an "herb man" and draw arrows connecting various herbs with different organs and parts of the body. anti diabetic herbs while breastfeeding PubMed: Beneficial effects of a polar fraction of garlic (Allium sativum Linn) oil in rats fed with two different high fat diets. Anodynes are warming diaphoretics that are more warming and not so strongly diaphoretic, which warm the muscular peripheral layer of the body, improve circulation and metabolic heat, and disperse cold, damp rheumatic vapors with their warming aromatic principles, relieving muscular tension and rheumatic aches and pains.  Examples are Canela (Spanish Cinnamon), Bay Laurel, Juniper berries and Wintergreen.  Besides drinking them as warm herb teas, their essential oils can also be put into medicated massage oils. Henriette's Herbal Homepage is a great internet nexus and clearing house for all kinds of herbal information, including articles, blogs, classic texts, and herbal pharmacopeias, including King's American Dispensatory, Felter's Eclectic Materia Medica, and Ellingwood's American Materia Medica. Address and correct the root cause of the constipation. Indian Spikenard (Nardostachys jatamansi)                                          10 gms. Therapeutic promise has also been shown from using strong purgatives and cathartics in microdoses, way less than the dose required for vigorous catharsis, to effect beneficial cleansing actions on the organism.  In fact, much of homeopathic medicine is based on this therapeutic principle - that harsh, potent or toxic substances in microdoses can be great healers. Myrtle leaves (Myrtus communis)                                                          10 gms. PubMed: [Antioxidant properties of essential oils]. A review on herbal antidiabetic drugs Rakhi Mishra, formulation Ingredients of Quality Control Principles to Herbal Drugs. Int J Phytomed

Antidiabetic herbal formulation principles clothing

Ginseng with its steroidal saponine, has immune-stimulating properties including cytokine production (IL-2, IL-6, TNF-α and IFN-γ), macrophage activation and lymphocyte activity. PubMed: A pilot study to determine the effectiveness of garlic oil capsules in the treatment of dyspeptic patients with Helicobacter pylori. Black Pepper (Piper nigrum)                                                                 10 gms. In herbally facilitating the recovery of someone who is convalescing from chronic illness, emaciation or debility, we must have patience, and can't be too hasty.  Mother Nature can't be rushed.  Hippocrates told us in his Aphorisms that bodies slowly emaciated must be slowly recruited, or restored and rebuilt. PubMed: [Ultrastructural observation of intratumoral neutrophils and macrophages induced by garlic oil]. Acute and Subacute Toxicity Studies on the Polyherbal K. Seida, and T. Nonvitamin, nonmineral PubMed: Differential effects of organosulfur compounds from garlic oil on nitric oxide and prostaglandin E2 in stimulated macrophages. Expectorants are closely allied to stimulants in that they dissolve and expel phlegm; to do this, most, but not all, have a warming or heating temperament.  Actually, expectorants can be broadly subdivided into warming or heating expectorants that expel cold phlegm, and cooling, moistening expectorants that dissolve and liquefy hot, dry phlegm, facilitating its expectoration.  And again, some expectorants can contain aspects of both. PubMed: Potential use of liposomal diallyl sulfide in the treatment of experimental murine candidiasis. PubMed: Effects of garlic and onion oils on glutathione peroxidase activity, the ratio of reduced/oxidized glutathione and ornithine decarboxylase induction in isolated mouse epidermal cells treated with tumor promoters. PubMed: Prevention of acetaminophen-induced cataract by a combination of diallyl disulfide and N-acetylcysteine. You may have noticed that there is a considerable degree of overlap in these herbal action categories.  Indeed, a single herb may exhibit multiple actions, as a broad, diverse spectrum of medicinal actions and effects is typical of the herbal kingdom.  Like people, herbs, as creatures of Nature, each have their own unique and complex constitutional makeups of qualities, actions and effects. PubMed: Biochemical effects of garlic protein diet and garlic oil on glycosaminoglycan metabolism in cholesterol fed rats. PubMed: Repellent property of oil fraction of garlic, Allium sativum Linn. PubMed: Effect of garlic oil on the pancreas of experimental diabetes in guineapigs. PubMed: Invited review: Essential oils as modifiers of rumen microbial fermentation. PubMed: Antioxidant effects of diallyl trisulfide on high glucose-induced apoptosis are mediated by the PI3K/Akt-dependent activation of Nrf2 in cardiomyocytes. PubMed: Potential beneficial effects of garlic in oncohematology. PubMed: Effect of single and binary combinations of plant-derived molluscicides on different enzyme activities in the nervous tissue of Achatina fulica. There are many different kinds of morbid humors and other forms of toxic matter, which can be either systemic or localized in virtually any organ or part of the body.  The eliminative herbal therapies used must be specific both to the kind of toxic superfluous matter being eliminated as well as to its location, eliminating these superfluities or obstructions through the most appropriate organ, channel or orifice.  Besides morbid humors and other toxic matter, eliminative herbal therapy also includes eliminating chills, drafts, or other forms of dystemper. Other stomachic and carminative herbs improve the flow of bile, acting also as cholagogues without actually being aperitifs or bitter tonics.  Examples are Rosemary, Blessed Thistle and Costus root. PubMed: In-vitro antimicrobial activity of four diallyl sulphides occurring naturally in garlic and Chinese leek oils. Examples of cooling expectorants are Licorice root, Hibiscus, Comfrey leaf, Coltsfoot and Plantain. PubMed: In vivo studies on the effect of garlic oil in mice. Saffron (Crocus sativus)                                                                        10 gms. I. Thin-layer chromatography of garlic oil]. PubMed: Biological and chemical stability of garlic-derived allicin. PubMed: Chemical release at the airport and lessons learned from the medical perspective. Mineral substances that are soluble in water are your various mineral salts.  All these mineral salts have profound effects on fluid dynamics, circulation and metabolism in various ways.  These mineral salts include Epsom Salts, Glauber's Salts, Saltpetre, Sal Ammoniac and Gypsum. PubMed: Modulation of histone acetylation by garlic sulfur compounds. Glucose levels during pregnancy Garlic Oil is produced by steam distillation of the crushed garlic, the bulbs of Allium Sativum which is grown all over the world in temperate areas. Or, one may wish to circulate or guide the medicinal effects of the principal herb more effectively or efficiently to a certain organ, tissue or body part where it's needed.  Herbs that do this are called guiding herbs.  Often, the medium in which an herbal medicine is prepared or administered, such as a tea, powder, syrup or tincture, will be very influential in deciding how its medicinal actions and effects will be guided and delivered to the body. Why combine herbs into formulas?  We make herbal formulas to obtain complex medicinal actions and effects that can't be matched by any single herb in Nature.  This is much like the way a skilled artist blends his paints together to obtain just the right shade or hue.  Or, it's like how a machinist or tool maker takes a number of different raw materials and fashions them into a useful tool. PubMed: Garlic oil alleviated ethanol-induced fat accumulation via modulation of SREBP-1, PPAR-α, and CYP2E1. PubMed: Synergistic antiyeast activity of garlic oil and allyl alcohol derived from alliin in garlic. PubMed: Essential oil composition and antiradical activity of the oil of Iraq plants. The third two tastes, Pungent and Acrid, are heating, drying and dispersing, and very stimulating to the metabolism.  And so, their nature is predominantly Choleric. PubMed: Diallyl disulfide-induced apoptosis in a breast-cancer cell line (MCF-7) may be caused by inhibition of histone deacetylation.

Attenuating medicines cut through and thin out excessively thick or congealed humors.  Most of them have a warming or heating temperament and a pungent or acrid taste.  Attenuating medicines are also called scraping medicines, because many scrape away accumulations of metabolic excess residues in the body, like high blood sugar and high cholesterol.  Other attenuating medicines simply thin and liquefy excessively thick and congealed humors like phlegm or blood to aid in their circulation, metabolism or expulsion.  Herbal examples are Turmeric, Fenugreek, Saffron, Hibiscus, Bdellium (Guggulu) and Gymnemma sylvestre. PubMed: Effects of selected bioactive natural products on the vascular endothelium. The uterus, like the brain, is attracted to sweet smelling herbs and medicines, and repelled by foul smelling ones.  If the uterus was prolapsed, for example, the traditional practice was to apply sweet smelling herbs and spices to the head and foul smelling ones like Asafoetida to the labia and mouth of the vagina to draw / pull it upwards; to lower the uterus, these applications would be reversed. PubMed: Effect of garlic oil and four of its compounds on rumen microbial fermentation. Cyperus rhizome (Cyperus rotundus)                                                     10 gms. PubMed: Effect of Allium sativum (garlic) diallyl disulfide (DADS) on human non-small cell lung carcinoma H1299 cells. In herbal treatments, preference must be given to herbs and medicines that are warming or heating, because all living organisms generate heat, and cold is basically inimical to life.  Cooling medicines should be used cautiously or sparingly, and only if definite signs of heat, fever, inflammation or hyperfunction are present, and only for as long as they are present. PubMed: Antimicrobial activity of elephant garlic oil against Vibrio cholerae in vitro and in a food model. PubMed: A factorial trial including garlic supplements assesses effect in reducing precancerous gastric lesions. PubMed: Cold tolerance in CCl4-treated rats and its modification by administration of garlic oil and glucose. Glucolo herbal medicine glossary PubMed: Modulation of N-nitrosomethylbenzylamine bioactivation by diallyl sulfide in vivo. Lady's Mantle is a great uterine herb that tones and firms the uterus, and can even be used in cases of threatened miscarriage to save the pregnancy.  Red Raspberry leaves improve uterine tone and resiliency during the last trimester of pregnancy to ease the delivery of the baby.

PubMed: Certain biochemical effects of garlic oil on rats maintained on high fat-high cholesterol diet. And so, the wise herbal therapist prefers to conserve the basic metabolic heat and energy of the patient as much as possible by giving preference to the gentler forms of eliminative therapy, and using the more vigorous, drastic or extreme forms only when absolutely necessary.  The general rule is to never use an eliminative therapy or treatment that is stronger than what's absolutely necessary to do the job.  A gentler, more gradual cleansing is usually easier on the basic metabolism and homeostasis of the organism than a quick, extreme catharsis.  However, there may be acute crisis situations when vigorous, decisive measures are called for. PubMed: Efficacy of niosomal formulation of diallyl sulfide against experimental candidiasis in Swiss albino mice. PubMed: A meta-analysis of randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trials for the effects of garlic on serum lipid profiles. PubMed: The mechanism of the hypolipidemic effect of garlic oil extract in rats fed on high sucrose and alcohol diets. PubMed: Oxidative stress in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats: effects of garlic oil and melatonin. In discussing the differences between botanical versus mineral substances, many herbalists draw the distinction that the former are organic and the latter inorganic.  Some modern herbalists dogmatically and categorically assert that all mineral substances are too harsh, toxic and somehow alien and unfriendly to the organic substances and tissues of the body to be used in healing. Free tutorials! As with the regulating and balancing herbal therapies, the tonic and restorative herbal therapies work either more on an energetic level or more on a substantive level.  Energy tonics are called stimulant tonics, and restore optimum vitality and function to an organ or body part by strengthening one or more of the vital principles.  Substantive tonics are called nutritive tonics, and nourish the various humors, organs or tissues of the body in a structural, material sense. Antispasmodic herbs include Lobelia, Black Cohosh, Feverfew and European Mistletoe.  The first and last of these herbs are quite potent, and caution is advised with their use. PubMed: Solid-phase microextraction-gas chromatographic-mass spectrometric analysis of garlic oil obtained by hydrodistillation. PubMed: Garlic [Allium sativum]: a review of its potential use as an anti-cancer agent. PubMed: Effects of garlic oil on postmenopausal osteoporosis using ovariectomized rats: comparison with the effects of lovastatin and 17beta-estradiol. PubMed: Herbs and dietary supplements in the prevention and treatment of cardiovascular disease. PubMed: Effects of garlic oil and its organosulfur compounds on the activities of hepatic drug-metabolizing and antioxidant enzymes in rats fed high- and low-fat diets. Loosening medicines relax and release nervous and muscular tensions, much like unwinding a taut violin string.  They are temperate to warming or heating in temperament.  Their loosening action has a lot in common with dispersing medicines, except that they work not on the surface, but on the deeper organs and tissues of the body.  Like the dispersing medicines, most loosening medicines also have strong aromatic principles.  Loosening medicines that release nervous and muscular tensions are called nervines, sedatives or antispasmodics.  Loosening medicines that ease the flow of vital energy in the lungs and chest and stop spasmodic coughs are pectorals and antitussives.  Loosening medicines that release colic, distension, and smooth muscle tension in the gut are called carminatives and stomachics.  Examples of this fine and useful class of herbs are many: Angelica root, Calamus root, Elecampane, Costus root, Valerian root, European Mistletoe (CAUTION!), Lavender, Coltsfoot, Motherwort, St.

PubMed: Protective effect of garlic oil on the changes produced by 3 weeks of fatty diet on serum cholesterol, serum triglycerides, fibrinolytic activity and platelet adhesiveness in man. PubMed: Combined metadoxine and garlic oil treatment efficaciously abrogates alcoholic steatosis and CYP2E1 induction in rat liver with restoration of AMPK activity. PubMed: Inhibition of carcinogenesis by some minor dietary constituents. Contact. Glucolon diabetes history. Antidiabetic herbal formulation principles clothing Propolis is a mixture of tree resins that the bees gather to protect and disinfect their hives.  It is commonly prepared as a concentrated tincture with alcohol, which capitalizes on its resinous and aromatic properties.  Propolis tincture can be taken internally or dropped on the tongue to stimulate immunity in colds and flu; it also makes an excellent wound dressing, disinfecting the wound while promoting tissue regeneration and healing. PubMed: Effect of garlic oil on incorporation of amino acids into proteins of Culex pipiens quinquefasciatus Say larvae. The therapeutic use of herbs and herbal medicines in the world's great traditional medical systems is guided by the principles and precepts of that system.  In Greek Medicine, the therapeutic use of herbs is guided by the principles of humor, temperament and the Four Basic Qualities. Calamine is also known as Smithsonite.  It is mainly made into lotions where its cooling, drying mildly astringent action soothes inflammation and subdues and dries up swelling and exudations in weeping eczema, poison oak or poison ivy. Benefits of. Pungent Stomachics are hot and spicy, strongly stimulating the digestive fire and removing cold, moist, Phlegmatic humors.  Some descend the Metabolic Force of the stomach to provide relief from belching and hiccups.  Examples are Ginger, Galangal, Allspice, Juniper berries, Garlic, Cloves and Cinnamon. Many Hepatic herbs are also Hepatoprotectors, or herbs that have been shown to protect the liver from toxins and regenerate liver cells.  These herbs include Milk Thistle seed, Turmeric, Tienchi (Pseudoginseng), and Kutki (Picrorrhiza kurroa).  This remarkable regenerative capability has gotten Hepatoprotectors considerable attention from the scientific community lately. PubMed: A randomized factorial study of the effects of long-term garlic and micronutrient supplementation and of 2-wk antibiotic treatment for Helicobacter pylori infection on serum cholesterol and lipoproteins. The herbal medicines given should be similar in the strength and degree of their influence to the severity of the imbalance or disorder to correct it to just the right degree. PubMed: Aversion of European starlings (Sturnus vulgaris) to garlic oil treated granules: garlic oil as an avian repellent. Canela (Cinnamomum zeylanicum)                                                        10 gms. On the next level deeper, we have the Phlegmatic humor and serous fluids.  The serous fluids of the organism, like plasma and lymph, can be seen as the nutritive substrate or wellspring for blood.  Serous tonics are indicated in cases of dehydration, wasting and emaciation.  Most are moistening and emollient in nature, and neutral or temperate to slightly cooling in temperament.  Examples are White Pond Lily, Solomon's Seal, Chicory root, Comfrey root, Scrophularia root and Slippery Elm. Baking Soda, or Sodium Bicarbonate, taken internally, is a handy antacid in gastritis, hyperacidity and acid reflux.  For this purpose, combine it with soothing stomachics like Peppermint and Fennel seed.  Topically, use Baking Soda as a powder for brushing the teeth. Hemolytics are herbs that have the effect of thinning the blood and dissolving clots.  Examples are Saffron, Turmeric, Melilot and Pseudoginseng.
FS002, a polyherbal Siddha formulation intended to be used for diabetic The dose required to produce significant antidiabetic activity in Diabetes mellitus is a chronic endocrine disorder that is mainly characterized by abnormally elevated blood glucose level. PubMed: Comparison of distillation and ultrasound-assisted extraction methods for the isolation of sensitive aroma compounds from garlic (Allium sativum). Sometimes, these affinities between herbs and their pertaining organs and body parts can be explained in terms of the physiological actions and effects of the herb.  But many times, the connection is more subtle and mysterious, involving a correspondence of qualities and attributes, or even an energetic resonance of sympathy for the organ or body part being treated. Hardening herbs and medicines are cooling, drying and astringent, and are the opposite of softening medicines.  They dry up excess moisture like a sponge, and thicken and congeal humors that are too thin, dispersed or attenuated.  They also firm, tone up and consolidate not only organs and tissues that have become too loose and lax, but also vital principles and pneuma that have become too unfocused and dispersed as well.  Warming hardening herbs include Bistort, Chaste Tree berry, Sage and Lady's Mantle.  Temperate hardening herbs include Tormentil root and Cinquefoil.  Cooling hardening herbs that congeal attenuated humors include Comfrey, Horsetail, Rose and Shepherd's Purse. Galangal (Alpinia galanga)                                                                    10 gms. PubMed: The Antidiabetic Effect of Garlic Oil is Associated with Ameliorated Oxidative Stress but Not Ameliorated Level of Pro-inflammatory Cytokines in Skeletal Muscle of Streptozotocin-induced Diabetic Rats. PubMed: Neuroprotective effects of diallyl trisulfide in SOD1-G93A transgenic mouse model of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Since black bile, or the Melancholic humor, is a recognized clinical entity in Greek Medicine, there are also special herbs that concoct and dispel morbid excesses of black bile from the body.  These include Aloe Vera, Senna pods, Cassia Fistula, Lavandula Stoechas, Fumitory, Blessed Thistle, Cyperus rhizome, Chebulic Myrobalan and Tormentil root. PubMed: Inhibitory action of garlic oil on the initiation of benzo[a]pyrene-induced skin carcinogenesis in mice. A postulated role of garlic oil in prevention of ethanol-induced hepatotoxicity. Digestive Tonics are closely related to stomachics, in that they improve the stomach and digestive function.  The major difference is that the digestive tonics are deeper and more sustained in their action, and fortify the inherent strength of the stomach and digestion with regular use.  Digestive tonics include Ginseng, Codonopsis, Cardamom, Calamus root, Elecampane, Fenugreek seed and herb, Ginger and Dandelion root.

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