Wednesday 22 February 2017

Antidiabetic herbal formulation companies google :: Patent US20020025349 - Novel herbal -..

Also, it is to be understood that the phraseology and terminology employed herein is for the purpose of description and should not be regarded as limiting. In some embodiments, base member is made up of one continuous piece of material. The invention is applicable to other embodiments or of being practiced or carried out in various ways. There is thus a widely recognized need for, and it would be highly advantageous to have, a device, kit or system which facilitates electro-transportation of mixtures of hydrophilic and/or hydrophobic components in fixed ratios to the same penetration depth, stabilization of fragile components, optimal delivery of mixtures of active ingredients and increased penetration of the active ingredient/s such as is provided by the present invention. Contact between the two device electrodes can be avoided by the optional use of an insulating element. Asavas and Arishtas comprise an important group of liquid orals mentioned in ancient Ayurvedic literature. The present invention relates to transdermal and/or intradermal drug delivery devices, kits and methods of use for delivery of encapsulated substances. In some embodiments, the device of the present invention can be made by a printing technology. Eugenia jambolana commonly known as Jamun is widely used in Indian folk medicine for the treatment of diabetes mellitus (Prince Ps; Menon Vp & Pari L; J Ethnopharmacol; 1998 May; 61 (1): 1-7). In some embodiments, release liner is made from polyester film, wherein one side of release liner can be silicon coated. Suitable materials include, but are not limited to woven material, non-woven material, polymers, conducting material, non-conducting material, paper, cardboard, plastic, synthetic materials, natural materials, fabric, metals, wood, glass, Perspex, or a combination thereof. Retainers, e.g, holding means/retainer 22 in FIG. Almost all of these formulations are presented as solid oral dosage forms like Capsules, Tablets, Powders only. An additive that may be added to the hydrogel is a conductive adhesive matter (additive) that serves to allow the conductive fluid/composition to both attach device, such as patch to the skin of the subject and to serve as the conductive interface between the electrode and the skin. And so on! This particular fed batch mechanism shall have the advantage of avoiding any kind of foaming problem during fermentation. Complications of disease: Diabetes Mellitus involves many organs systems of the human body leading to many systemic complications like Diabetic Neuropathy, Diabetic Diarrhoea, Urinary retention, Gustatory Swelling, Pupillary Reflexes, Cardiac Autonomic Disturbances, Collagen Disturbances. In some embodiments, power source is attached to substrate base layer with any suitable means, such as, but not limited to adhesive.

Thus, the invention provides a synergistic oral liquid herbal composition falling under the category of Asavas and Arishtas, useful for management of diabetes, said composition comprising a therapeutically effective amount of plant extracts, self-generated ethanol to the extent of 7 to 12% v/v and having not more than 1 to 3% w/w of sugar content. In the embodiment of FIG. The compound was extracted from the tape-strips and assayed to yield a total uptake of the active agent into the SC (stratum corneum). The self-generated alcohol content in the product acts as a preservative and contributes for its prolonged shelf life. The term includes cells with non-spontaneous reactions, cells with spontaneous reactions, galvanic cells, electrolytic cells and a combination thereof. In another embodiment, the microorganisms for fermentation comprise micro-organisms obtained from conventional sources like Woodfordia fruticosa, pure cultures such as baker's yeast, alcohol producing strains of Saccharomyces sp or strains of Saccharomyces cereviceae such as DRF-UDS-004/Wf, DRF-UDS-016/Wf, DRF-UDS-017/Wf or a combination thereof. The term ‘biological membrane device' as used herein refers to an electricity generating device, such as a patch for application to a biological membrane. The filtrate is then collected discarding the herbal marc. Glibenclamide stimulates insulin secretion by blocking ATP-sensitive potassium channels of the β-cell membrane, thereby causing depolarization calcium influx, and rising in cytoplasmic calcium concentration [38]. The integrated electricity generating device of claim 1, wherein the bio-membrane is selected from the group consisting of skin, mucosa, eye membrane, nail, hair, oral membrane, vaginal membrane, rectal membrane and a combination thereof. Fermentation is carried out in a closed fermentation vessel, under controlled temperature conditions, at 30-35° C. In some embodiments external substances are encapsulated, e.g, encapsulated substance 14 in FIG. Several plant extracts have been shown to exert antidiabetic property through α-glucosidase inhibition, for example, the aqueous extract of Ficus deltoidea [22], the acetone leaf extracts of F. Natural pills for diabetes 2 in teens Encapsulated mixture of A and B in a ratio of a:b can be contacted in any suitable way with electro-transport/electricity generating device 210. These data are valuable to pharmaceutical companies to get the 01.009 PubMed Google Scholar; Bakhtiuary Z: Herbal of triphala herbal formulation. Herbal medicines are the synthesis of therapeutic experiences of generations of practising physicians of Many pharma and biotech companies have moved Several authors reported anti-diabetic principles of Gymenma sylvestre. For example, in a condition, such as a wound, which can feature inflammation and infection in different areas of the wound region, a mixture of vesicles can be prepared for electrotransportation, wherein vesicles which are configured for less deep penetration can facilitate treatment of the more superficial sites of inflammation and vesicles which are configured for deeper penetration can facilitate treatment of the deeper sites of infection. Med J(Clin Res Ed.) 1981 June 6; 282 (6279): 1823-4). The present invention provides electrically driven delivery of external substances which are encapsulated. During these inventive steps a series of experiments were conducted mainly with reference to inventive step no.3. Invert syrup was added to all flasks as a source of nutrient. In some embodiments, after treatment with the device of the present invention and encapsulated formulation, a second amount of encapsulated formulation can be applied to the bio-membrane region which has been treated.

Antidiabetic herbal formulation companies google

The hydrogels are polymeric acrylates and may be, for example, made from acrylic esters of quatemry chlorides and/or sulfates or acrylic amides of quaternary chlorides. The shape may also be configured to facilitate area and type of treatment. The method of claim 24, wherein the penetration depth is controlled by factors selected from the group consisting of type of encapsulation vesicles, rigid or elastic vesicles, size of vesicles, charge on vesicles, device current and voltage and a combination thereof. These experimental results further emphasize the effectiveness of the process and the end results of the process are same irrespective of the type of fermentation. First, the device voltage may be adjusted to enable an iontophoretic delivery or other mechanism of delivery of encapsulated active substance into the body area. Antidiabetic herbal formulation companies using social media Antidiabetic herbal formulation companies using social media Most coffee is roasted and ground.. In some embodiments at least one electrode is an active electrode and at least one electrode is a counter electrode. for enhancing the transmembrane penetration of benefit agents using a certain non-ionic lipid/surfactant-containing formulation antidiabetic agents Yet another study conducted on 27 patients revealed the role of water soluble extract of G.sylvestre on insulin dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM) (Shanmugasundarm Er; Rajeswari G Et Al; J Ethnopharmacol 1990 October; 30(3): 281-94). The difference is that the lipid core is in the solid state. Lipid Nanoparticles have a similar structure to Nanoemulsions. The penetration depth and rate of penetration can be controlled by factors, which include, but are not limited to choice of vesicle, such as rigid or elastic vesicles, size of vesicles, charge on vesicles, device current and voltage and a combination thereof. Ayurvedic literature sparingly offers an herbal anti-diabetic formulation in this conventional dosage form. Liposomes (lipid vesicles) are spherical lipid bilayers that have the ability to encapsulate a solvent, which is freely disposed in the interior. Self-generated alcohol is considered to enhance the bioavailability of all the herbal ingredients contained in the formulation. The invention identifies specific drug potentiators to be added to the conventionally used anti-diabetic formulation of herbal origin. Day et al has reported that the aqueous extract of Momordica charantia lowered the glycemic response to both oral and intraperitoneal glucose without affecting the insulin response (Day C; Cartwright T; Provost J & Bailey Cj,; Planta Med;1990 October;56(5): 426-9.). To examine the comparative efficacy of solid oral dosage form (Sample-B) and the liquid oral dosage form the following experiment was conducted. In some embodiments, the device of the present invention can be a substantially fully printed device. In some embodiments, encapsulated active substance is not included in separator and is applied prior to use of patch. The device is in some embodiments removed from contact with the body area after a time period, which can optionally be predetermined or is determined according to the desired dosage, the time it takes for the electrode to be depleted, or until sufficient effect or no more improvement can be seen. Scandenin A, scandenin B and isoflavone derivatives have been found in D. BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine The official journal of the search for herbal formulation with antidiabetic activity View Article PubMed Google A combination of Gurmar leaves (Gymnema sylvestre), Methi seeds (Trigonella foenumgrecum), Vijayasar heartwood (Pterocarpus marsupium), Jamun seeds (Eugenia jambolana) and Karela (Momordica charantia) are coarsely ground to small pieces and extracted twice with water using boiling pan. The matrix consists of solid lipids or mixtures of lipids. In some embodiments, encapsulated mixture is disposed in a retainer on active electrode. The subject may contact a bio-membrane of a body area to be treated with the device, which includes the encapsulated active formulation 160. In an embodiment wherein the encapsulated active substance is not contained in the conductive fluid/composition, the kit can feature a combination of device, retainer/separator and encapsulated active substance. Optionally, the active electrode can be the cathode or anode or both the cathode and the anode. The electricity generating device of claim 27, wherein the encapsulated carrier is configured to release the mixture of compounds at the target site. Nanoemulsions are lipids enclosing a liquid lipid core or oil-in-water emulsions. However, the effects were much significant in animals treated with sample-B. In some embodiments, electricity generating device includes a base member substrate, e.g. Glucolog lite 3 way Non-limiting examples of suitable electricity generating devices include, but are not limited to an electro-transportation device, iontophoresis device, a bio-membrane patch, a dermal patch, a galvanic stimulation device, an electrokinetic device, an electroporation device, an ultrasound device, a microneedle, a TENS device and a combination thereof. Optionally, the hydrogel may be in sheet form. The term ‘conductive fluid' as used herein includes the terms ‘conductive substance' and ‘conductive composition' and includes any suitable liquid, semi-solid or solid form of conductive material. This invention also provides a novel method for the manufacture of herbal compositions in liquid oral dosage form containing a limited amount of self generated ethanol. an herbal formulation marketed for diabetes, Antidiabetic activity of a polyherbal formulation Sciences Ltd. and Associated Companies, Nagpur, India o Liposome affinity for a given tissue can also be incremented by varying vesicle composition, electrical charge or by adding receptors or adhesion factors-thereby contributing to increase drug presence in the target tissues or organ. In some embodiments retainer is a separator. Trigonella foenumgrecum (1-3%). The technique of iontophoresis is in wide use today in the administration of drugs as it effectively delivers electrically charged medicaments through the skin and into the capillary structure and lymphatic system.

It was found that the extract did not induce any changes in relative organ weight. The drug has extracts from four plants mentioned in Ayurveda and that makes it safe," said Dr AKS Rawat, senior principal scientist, NBRI. strategies being adopted by the commercial companies in their Herbal formulation for prevention and Antidiabetic plants used by Sikkim In some embodiments, encapsulated mixture of A and B in a ratio of a:b, is part of a kit including device and encapsulated mixture. Optionally, power source can be rechargeable. After two months of the treatment the patients were asked to withdraw the conventional oral anti diabetic drug and maintained with the liquid oral drug prepared by the novel process. The phytochemical analysis of the aqueous extract of D. Further, if the same ratio of components in a mixture is delivered, but the components do not penetrate to the same depth, the ratio of components delivered may not necessarily facilitate the combined effect of the predetermined ratio of the mixture at the target body area, but each component may separately effect the different body area region to which it has been delivered. The method of claim 20, wherein the mixture of compounds is selected from the group consisting of same compounds, different compounds, different size compounds, same size compounds, different charged compounds, same charged compounds, same amount of charged compounds, different amount of charged compounds, different physical states of compounds, same states of compounds, compounds with different hydrophobicity, immiscible compounds, miscible compounds, compounds with different or the same therapeutic and/or cosmetic properties and a combination thereof. The first set of flasks were inoculated with Baker's yeast where as the rest of 4 sets were inoculated with, Saccharomyces cereviceae strains DRF-UDS-004/WF, DRF-UDS-16/WF, DRF-UDS-17/WF individually and a combination of all three strains. online (etc) Whitesphere is a water dispersion of non-ionic nanovesicles (100 nm) that contain MAP. One example of such an electrode galvanic configuration, which can be used in the present invention, is described in US Patent Application Publication No.

Hence, it is proved that the liquid oral dosage prepared by this process has shown better hypoglycemic activity. The temperature of the fermentation medium was maintained at 30° C. In one embodiment, base member is made from polyester. Glucolog Lite - Windows Apps on Microsoft Store The software can be customized to any user needs In still another embodiment, the nutrient in step (b) is a complex nutrient like jaggery or simple sugar like glucose, fructose or any other hexose sugar. Other non-limiting examples of skin attachment mechanisms include clips, elastic, suction means and Velcro and combinations thereof. Histopathological observation on liver and kidney of both control and treatment groups revealed that sub-chronic oral administration of the extract did not cause any alteration of organ morphology (Figure 4). 7/26/2016 · Chinese investment companies to visit MP soon; CSIR developed an anti-diabetic herbal formulation Facebook Google Email. The integrated electricity generating device of claim 1, wherein the electricity generating device facilitates one of the group consisting of electrical stimulation, electrical driven delivery of a substance, introduction of current and voltage to a bio-membrane and a combination thereof. Limited Time Offer, Buy It Now! Substances A and B are encapsulated as a mixture in a ratio of a:b respectively 200. Recommendation for cyperus root oil (cyperus rotundus) Antidiabetic activity of hydro Reduction of diet-induced obesity in rats with a herbal formulation. It is well known fact that, in the presence of alcohol the assimilation of carbohydrate such as sugars is very high. Body area region can optionally be treated by electrical stimulation and by active agent. The encapsulation vesicle can then be charged by using standard charging techniques, such as but not limited to use of surfactants, ionization techniques and combinations thereof. An electrically powered/assisted device, such as a patch as herein described may be provided 150. Therapeutic, as used herein, is understood to include any substance serving to prevent, cure, heal, treat medically or preserve health. In some embodiments wherein delivery to the dermis is required, elastic vesicles may be preferred. Adhesive layer may include a biocompatible permeable pressure sensitive adhesive such as Bio-PSA from Dow Corning.

The background art includes disclosure of a plurality of encapsulated systems, such as, but not limited to vesicles, rigid vesicles, elastic vesicles, liposomes, niosomes, proniosomes, transfersomes®, ethosomes, L-595-PEG-8-L vesicles, nanoemulsions, nanosomes and nanoparticles as potential vehicles for the delivery of cosmetics and the optimized disposition of active ingredients in particular skin layers. Patch 10 may further include a skin attachment mechanism, which may be an adhesive layer (not shown in FIG. The term ‘separator' also includes a substantially solid, semi-solid or sheet conductive composition/material, such as a hydrogel in sheet form. For Asavas, the extraction procedure involves a cold infusion technique. Therefore, the coarse powder of herbal material is soaked in water for a fixed duration at room temperature and a filtrate is obtained. In some embodiments, the active or inactive compounds/formulations or combinations thereof are encapsulated using standard known techniques. Patch 10 is stable to a wide range of temperatures and humidity. In such a way the liposomes can encapsulate hydropholic and hydrophobic compositions, which can be charged, oppositely charged or uncharged. Order. Description of suitable encapsulation carrier vehicles is described herein. In some embodiments, device is a thin and flexible patch. A tape stripping method was used to evaluate penetration depth. The invention is also useful for the delivery of cosmetic and cosmeceutical substances. Optionally, power source can include an external power source. A fairly large number of Ayurvedic formulations described in ancient and mediaeval Ayurvedic literature fall under this group. A scientifically validated anti-diabetes herbal drug, Google launches local The formulation was launched earlier by the Vice-President Hamid Indeed, there is an extensive list of pharmaceutical substances that are routinely administered transdermally and/or intradermally and a similarly long list of devices and methods known in the art for administering same. It is noteworthy that the various herbal antidiabetic formulations used anti-diabetic formulation of herbal - Hizmet Şartları - Google In this study, the insulin concentrations of the cell culture supernatant were determined.
Separators may be designed and configured to fit between one or both of device electrodes and the bio-membrane, such as skin of the subject, thus providing a simple, clean and convenient electrode/skin interface through which electricity may flow via the conductive fluid/composition to the area of treatment. antidiabetic properties. All the major herbal-based pharmaceutical companies are showing a constant formulation are prepared from herbs. The process also brings, the extract of inoculum bearing herbs, which is considered to potentiate the activity of prime ingredients. They can be formed by free radical polymerization in the presence of water, preferably by ultra-violet curing with initiator and multi-functional cross-linking agent. The original determined ratio of compounds in a mixture may be delivered in the same ratio to the target body area, as is provided by the present invention. Such plants are in great demand by pharmaceutical companies for Antidiabetic effect of herbal formulation in Effects of herbal formulation and Benefits of! A use of the device and/or kit of the present invention is to deliver at least one active substance in an encapsulated formulation to and/or into and/or through a bio-membrane. In an embodiment, wherein deeper penetration depth is required, a smaller vesicle may be preferred, whereas when more superficial penetration is desired a larger vesicle may be used. Certain features of the device of the present invention are the same regardless of whether the device is a fully integrated device or a device that is part of a kit, such as, but not limited to the substrate base layer/frame, cathode, anode, power source, battery and electrode connections, liner and battery cover, active composition, encapsulation means and means for maintaining encapsulation vesicle stability, which are described hereinbelow. Dipeptidyl peptidase-4 inhibitor. DPP-4 inhibitors and GLP-1. Inhibitors of dipeptidyl peptidase 4, also DPP Berberine, the common herbal dietary supplement, The use of electro-transportation for delivery of a mixture of compounds, wherein the mixture includes a certain ratio of compounds, can facilitate delivery of the mixture of compounds into a bio-membrane.

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