Thursday 11 May 2017

Antidiabetic herbal formulation companies you can pay :: Natural Products INSIDER

It is not attacked by insects. Chewing the leaves, or applying a tincture of the flowers or the fresh juice to the gums, when both pain and swelling are relieved. Wattakkaa, Wattakka, Wattaka, Vattakka gudayogaphala- dangari carkkaraipparanki, paranki, parangkikkaay There are many varities of this popular squash. Note that the name is "- habaraliya" and not "habarala". It is used to treat inflammations, vomiting, dyspepsia, flatulence, asthma, fevers, anasarca, "diseases of the blood". THE ORIGIN, SPREAD, & IMPROVEMENT OF THE AVOCADO, SAPODILLA & PAPAYA, C. K. International (Pvt) India). FEMALE tube green ovoid, 5 rows of black glands; lobes tapering, not spreading; stigma protruding. It is claimed to reduce arthritis, constipation, kidney function etc. The belief hat tea prepared from Maadan reduces type-II diabetes has not been substantiated in double-blind experiments (see expts) while others have claimed positive results: P. Spilanthes acmella,Acmella oleracea (Tootache plant) Akmella Pipulka- Akki-rakaram Images and write up It is used for toothache. Its poison was used since antiquity as a death portion, or for inducing hallucinations. The bark is reduced to ashes, which contain a quantity of alkaline matter. The large beans (pods) are edible. MacCarthy, wife of Colonial Secy, 1855, ( and Mr. Shrub or tree. Phoenix sylvestris (wild date, Indian date palm) Wal Indi, val Indi, වල්ඉංදි - - Found in India, and sometimes in SL. See below, under Miris. The Munnesvaram temple respected an ancient Sinhala Buddhist rite known as "Amba-vidamana" even up to the late 19th century, possibly related to the goddess Pattini treated as a Buddhist divine spirit. Soursop has few seedless varieties, but they are rare. Trifoliata is given in dyspepsia in children. See Canarium Madagascariense No images of C. In the world market there is a large demand of sexual enhancing products that have least side effects. In Sanskrit, vaca means "speaking". See: Murunga for water purification is not cost effective.

Even in US English it is often known as "broom corn"(Sorghum vulgare var. The Botox was as effective the longer I used it and I don't want to put toxins or drugs in my body anyway. Safed Musli is used in Hindi? The leaves are used by local people in preparing medicated oils. Sesbania grandiflora (Scarlet wisteria tree, Swamp pea, West Indian pea.) Kathuru Murunga කතුරු මුරුංගා अगस्ति (agasti), Varnari, Munipriya, Drigapalaka - அகத்தி (akatthi)- The word "murunga" and the hindi "munga" may have a common etymological origin. Indian hebalists sell Cyawanprash for about $30 per lb in white plastic bottles-price in the year 2010. Clough's 19th century dictionary. See Ca and Zn toxicity in the diet, and in health. Abutilon indicum (indian mallow) Beheth Anoda, Wal Anoda Athibala,- thuththi The plant may grow to two meters, with golden yellow flowers. The bulb is poisonous. Ampelocissus indica - Rata Bawlath Vael, Val midda vael? The ethanol extract of the bark is found to show Antihyperglycemic and Antioxidant Activity. Papaya Leaves were even fed to animals to tenderize their flesh. The name is probably from the Malayalam kuppameni haritamanjari kuppaimeni An annual herb-leaves simple, alternate, 3.7~cm long, The same name is confusingly used for Nepeta cateria or Catnip in the local languages of Sri lanka. The leaves are used in the treatment of burns etc. The active ingredient is Tetrahydrocannabinol or THC. IUCN red listed. And so on. Acacia gum has astringent, styptic, and tonic properties, and of these varieties Acacia gum and Acacia Catechu are much used in medicine. Jasmine essential oils are used to treat post-menstrual stress, uterine cramps. Dr. Pethiyagoda on katu-Andara, 2011 wonders if the Forest Dept. Megasporophyll apices of C. Although it can also be eaten when begun to ripen and turn yellowish, it becomes more bitter as it ripens. Rukattana is a large tree, with a white exudate and whorls of simple narrow oblong leaves. The seeds are used to extract "mee thel" (oil), while the flowers are eaten and also used in herbal drinks. Varieties of keena are identified in some detail in Sinhala presumably because of its importance as a timber, esp. The second variety is in the higher elevations, above 1000 meters. The cleaned water is NOT fit for drinking or for farming, but can be re-used in textile, mining and other industrial applications. The plant is not commercially exploited in Sri lanka. The picture is not unequivocal although there seems to be some evidence in favour of these claims. The cyanide is released as hydrocyanic acid and goes away with the water vapour when boiled. Gajar Gaas (hindi name) - It colonizes in grassy land and reduces the production of pasture. The Buddhist texts and official records before the twentieth century in Thailand are known as khoi books (c.f, Sanskrit name: patrollekhataru - i.e, lekhana on pathra). Miris is an essential part of Sri Lankan cooking, and the main ingredient of "Lunimiris". Cymbopogon citratus (lemon grass) Sera bhutika- karenduka karppurappul, vasanapulla used in cooking, and in herbal medicine to reduce fever etc. Wattakka Wewa (more correctly, Vattaka vaeva) is a place name, but may be derived from the bird "vattaka". Image and write up cikkay, Shikakai The tree is food for the larvae of the butterfly Pantoporia hordonia. Bitter melon seeds contain momorcharin, shown to have antifertility effects in female mice and spermatogenesis inhibition in dogs, but not conclusively in humans. However, the tree has been recorded in other areas including the Matale district. Native to the Amazon with the Tupi name Nana However, some sinhala writers have argued that "Anna-asi" is derived from the words "sword (asi) which cuts (digests) the food (anna)". Both flowers and fruits produced by the plant can be eaten. Asteraceae family,Wiki - - Larvicidal activity reported in Tamil Nadu studies. And the name may be evocative of pendent decorative "karaabu". The "Kohomba" leaves are crushed and applied on the body at an "auspicious" time, but not eaten.

Antidiabetic herbal formulation companies you can pay

Used externally against snakebite. The plant may well become useful to fight obesity as it is a hunger suppressant. Using papaya leaf in salads is said to help heart-burn, and indigestion, against worms, herpes, prostrate inflammation. P. Dhammika Nanayakkara, Jianping Zhao, and Ikhlas A. Tapioca treatment for cancer, and Cynthiya Jayasuriya. The herbal medicine business truly represents an enormous opportunity in the modern age. Lathaparna, patrnaamaka, tamalapattram, are names used in Sanskrit. Not native to Sri lanka, Mint family Lamiaceae, native to southern Europe and the Mediterranean region. M. charantia fruit extract and its components have also been shown to be cytotoxic to leukemic lymphocytes and induce anti-tumor activity in vivo". Semicarpus Obvata, Semicarpus obovatum is Kalu-Baulla, a threatened species listed in IUCN-red list. Beans were probabaly introduced later into India, and hence there seems to be no Sanskrit name. It may have come from Dutch where it is "bonen". Tit berry) Kobbe, kobbae කොබෙයි ගභ - Triputa- Amalai- Native to Sri Lanka. Ayurvedic and Sinhala medicine uses the plant for treating fever, digestive disorders, dysmenorrhea, wounds, bruises etc. The fruits are bitter and poisonous. The common plum in the west is the European plum (Prunus domestica). A Kandyan place name, "Pinnakaele", may or may not have originated from "Pinna thicket" in sinhala. Subsequently, a number of growth inhibitors have been isolated from M. It has proved efficacious in dilating blood vessels and thus relieving chronic congestion of people addicted to drink[4]..(sic).. Dravidian languages like Tamil (kari) and Malayalam. Canna indica (Indian shot) "Cannas" - puvalai Introduced to SL by horticulturists. Kurumba, Vaevara are young coconuts, where the white ``flesh'' (called `lond(h)a' in Sinhalese) inside the fruit has not formed completely. There are several types of very similar looking Mee varaieties. Family: Fabaceae Patangi - This sinhala name is derived from its sanskrit/prakrit forms. The plant and root extracts contain the terpene-alkaloid forskolin, which is claimed to affect variety of important cellular functions, including inhibiting histamine release, relaxing muscles, increasing thyroid function, and increasing fat-burning activity. The fruits contain 0.1 - 1.5% capsaicin[254]. Kekatiya", and regarded as threatened species (IUCN red list). It is used as the base for the Mexican dip known as guacamole. Ageratum conyzoides(Billygoat-weed, Chick weed, Goatweed, Whiteweed;) Hulantala- - appakkoti Common weed, some times used in herbal medicine. The sensitivity of the plant is not due to existence of a `nervous system', but due to rapid movement of water from cells under a stimulus, exposing sharp thorns that deter cattle and other feeders. However, both are considered types of "lima beans". Cassia senna, see Cassia angustifolia Seneha kola - nilavirai, Nilavagai, nilavakai? We haven't found souitable images. Lanka.) madhu patra, Satapatri, Saumyaganda. There is probably little doubt that the Tamil word for arecanut, 'pukam' is directly related to the Sanskrit root 'puga', which also gave rise to 'puva' and 'puvak' in Sinhala. Piper betel L.) plantations. Sinhala saying "Handun vaneth urulaevo aethi", i.e, there are civet-cats even in a sandle-wood forest. It is less extensively used in Sinhala cooking. Amorphophallus campanulatus Bl, Amorphophallus paeonhifolius Dennst. Premna integrifolia Maa Midi - munnai, aranai Also, premna spinosa. Some varieties of gahala are edible if boiled sufficiently to get rid of hydrogencyanide which is generated from the Cyanogenic Gulocside contained in these tubers. Asparagus racemosus (wild asparagus, sparrow grass) Haathavariya, Hathaavaariya, Hathawariya, Hathawaariya, Saathamul, Hathamul satavari, shatavari, shathamulya catavari, kilavari, Sandavari. Toddy tapping was frowned upon bu Buddhists who refrain from alcoholic drinks. The plant is a useful condiment and it is also ornamental. Chemical examination of Pisonia grandis (Leehai Kottai, Keerai)afforded actacosanol, B-sitossterol, a-spinosterol, B-sitosterol glucoside, dulcitol and quercetin. Furthermore, harpagoside dose-dependently inhibited LPS-stimulated NF-kappaB promoter activity in a gene reporter assay in RAW 264.7 cells, indicating that harpagoside interfered with the activation of gene transcription. Passion fruit "juice" is one of the most popular drinks and additives to cordials, ice creams, deserts, "sarvath", etc, used in the country. Ayurveda for the treatment of epileptic fits. Its seeds, roots etc, used in Ayurveda, as a vermicde, in pregnancy etc. Alpinia calcarata> Heen Araththa- - - Medicinal herb used in Sinhala medicine. When applied to the forehead and temples reduces headache. Ajamoda, Yavanaka, yavani, may imply that the seed is of Greek origin. Bhattacharya et al. Leaves are not damaged by insects. Mahinda Rajapaksa, the then member of Parliament for Hambantota) for demonstration purposes. Alocasia plants differ from Colocasia by having the leaf stalk (petiole) join the leaf blade nearer the basal notch. Unsed in "pideini" (offerings to spirits) and in ayurvedic medicine. Nos, 3 & 4, 1958. This tree is called Sal in Sri Lanka, while in many Indian Languages, Shorea robusta is called "Sal". A chain of nine conjugated carbon atoms linking two benzene rings explains the yellow colour of Turmeric. Seaprose S caused no adverse reactions. Central P, Meepitiya etc. Many kings and chiefs with titles such as Vanni or Vannia had ruled in these areas termed as Vannimai during the Jaffna Kingdom days. The gourd is eaten green, cooked in curry, or thinly sliced in a salad, or thinly sliced and slightly fried in oil with onions, chopped tomatoes, and lime juice etc. Habarala is etymologically "Haburu ala". Pineapple which contains Bromelian enzyme is well known for its valuable digestive properties, and in controlling purine buildup in the blood (Gout formation) etc. Patients  The patients were 2889 community residents, aged 65 to 102 years, who completed a food frequency questionnaire, on average 18 months after baseline. The Malayalam name is "Kariveppila". A monument to him by sculptor Sarath Chandrajeewa stands their today. Impotence. Anaphylaxis. Mugwort pollen causes hayfever and allergies. Adiantum capillus-veneris, (black maidenhair fern) Vaelvaenna, Walwenna, Walawenna Parna- - Common houseplant in the west. Externally the leaves are used as varalians with the leaves of odina wodier to relieve rheumatic pains, and as a poultice to boils to promote suppu- ration. It is included in commercial preparations as a meat tenderizer and often used for that purpose in restaurants, and it also used commercially in chewing gums and as a stabilizing agent that is used to clarify beer. The Japanese `tea ceremony' is a highly important iconic Japanese cultural practice. Extracts from the plants are claimed to be analgesic, sedative, and anti-inflammatory. Herbal medicine in South Asia for to heal bone fractures (as an external poultice); cooked leaves or burnt ashes are used for obesity and weight loss, diabetes, metabolic imbalance etc. Commonly grown on paddy bunds, and around gardens or cropping fields for its nitrogen contribution. Prunus avium L. Black tea is made from leaves that are wilted and fully oxidized, oolong is wilted and only partly oxidized, green is wilted but not oxidized while white tea is neither wilted nor oxidized, made from very tender buds before they acquire chlorophyll. Wilson, E. O. See entry under Calophyllum Lanigerum. Anoectochilus setaceus Blume, Anaectochilus setaceus Vana raja mala, WanaRaja mala - - Exceptional ground Orchid, still found in the Sinharaja. Fifty-three components of the essential oil, representing 96.9% of the total amount, were identified. Used in Ayurveda. Herali" is mostly used for the unripe stage of the fruit. Some Hopea species are also named Beraliya, and Dun in sinhala. As it is rather fibrous, its squeezed juice makes a better choice, and has, in fact become more popular than the fresh fruit as such. It is claimed to reduce cholesterol, anti-asthmatic, has antioxidents, and is hepato-protective. It is found in gardens and bare ground from June to October. Strychnos potatorum Ingini - - TThe seeds (ingini aeta) are used traditionally to "purify" water in wells. Used mainly as a herbal source for medications used to relieve hot flashes during menopause ( a concoction of the root is also consumed). A sweet gruel is also made.

N. Dharmawardene Sugar Tech, vol. I thank RK for information reg. Catharanthus roseus (Periwinkle) Mini Mal, Paspethi? It has been claimed that Scottish scientists have found this shrub to be a valuable source of activated charcoal which is much better in quality (finer grain size) than the activated charcoal from oconut and much cheaper as well. It is in their interests to boost these claims.). Used in healing bones, and as an ointment for dry skin. The seed was probably introduced to south India from Africa. A good account is found in the Wikipedia. Used for treatment of kidney stones and urinary problems in traditional medicine. It causes cause trembling, tetanic convulsions in animals and may even kill cattle. A Japanese study has shown that those who drank more than five cups of green tea daily had a 26% reduction in death from a heart attack or a stroke compared to those who drank one cup or less. Hence it should not be surprising that, contrary to the position taken by Hettiarachchi, the sinhala words `pol', 'thal', and 'puvak' should find their ancestry in Sanskrit, as we discuss below. A commercial outlet and images Niyanda, නියඳ also Maruva - murvam This (or S. While the cultivation cost was only Rs.5000 to Rs.6000 per acre (Indian rupees, in 2006), a farmer could get Rs.10,000 to Rs.12,000 per acre as profit. online (etc) Images and write up? Canada, exported to India for dehulling etc, and Sri lanka imports it from India! A perennial herb with an ascending rhizome; stems numerous, 60-120 cm tall, erect, nearly unbranched, somewhat compressed, thickened at nodes and hispid with long hair between nodes leaves simple. The seed contains capsicidins[254]. Cropping of pods and single almond sized seeds may occur by 4–6 years. Oil has insecticidal properties.

It IS safe to eat if it is not grown on contaminated soils. Philippine violet, Bluebell barleria or Crested Philippine violet) Godame~riya - nilamparam, udamulli Shrub. I haven't seen any work in that direction as yet.(CDW 2010). Henry Yule (Scottish historian and Geographer of the 19th century) used the name Perivils for the port of Beruwela. Surattense, S. The Tamil name is clearly derived from the Sanskrit. Indian species possess broader apices with a distinct extended apical spine that is free from lateral teeth. They also contain increased levels of amino acids, notably lysine, tyrosine and sulphur, which are usually limited in potatoes. Recorded in Dassanayake and Fosberg, 1980. Kandyan area, where a pan cake ("roti",; රොටි), a gruel ("thalapa", තලප ) containing Kitul flour, and coconut, are consumed. Seeds are collected and the Psyillum husk, and muscilage are used in "colon cleanser" and obeisity medications. The first reference to a coconut plantation in Sri Lanka is in an inscription at Mihinthale, by the king Mahadathika Mahanage (7-19 CE). Recently (since 2012) the product is sold in Western supermarkets (e.g, Truvia and PureVia are trademarks), with Stevia leaf extract processed with Erythritol to give it a crunchy, crystalline texture. Pharmaceutical Market Research Reports: TMR tracks the pharma industry to offer latest market trends, analysis, forecasts, and pharmaceutical company profiles Coleus plants have also been reclassified as "Solenostemon", and are well kinown in horticulture as some varieties have coloured "rainbow foliage" (known as Villooda kola in sinhala). In Sanskrit "puna" means a "repeat form", in this case, of the Ironwood tree. PRNewswire. February 5, 1998; September 30, 1998. Centella asiatica, Hydrocotyle asiatica (indian Pennywort) Gotukola, gotukola mandukaparni, Brahmi- parni, vallarai, The name Trisanthus cochinchinensis is also sometimes used. Journal of Plant Sciences, vol. Yellow variety is best for the low country. Some of the above are further described below. It is claimed to stimulate expression and intelligence. Limited Time Offer, Buy It Now! Berry, globose, 1.3 cm across, yellowish when ripe; seed one. It is used also in cases of mad dog bites in order to prevent hydrophobia." The plant is specific and native to Sri Lanka. Thwaites(1864) recognized three varieties, Maba buxifolia var. The Mahogany tree is a favoured commemorative plant, e.g, the Horana mahogany tree planted by Ernesto Che Guevera when he visited Sri Lanka in the 1960s. Davala kurundhu, davul Kurundhu, thamala-kurundhu. In the standing leg back and 18 inches apart, determined, but most on the back the chair for. The jaggery (Kithul Hakuru) made from Kithul paeni is preferred over that from the coconut palm (Pol Hakuru). It is used in Asian-Indian medicine as being effective against "Pheglm ('sem" in Sri Lanka), and "Air"(Vaatha), and for aphrodisiac, opthalmic, cardiotonic, digestiveand other applications in herbal medicine, snake-bite therapy etc. In India the Beli tree is deicated to Shiva and considered to be sacred. Hence it is best to avoid Ginger with Manioc, Gahala, Habarala, Hondala and other tubers which contain glucosides associated with poisonous acids. A. SCHROEDER Vennai pazham, Vennaip-palam / வெண்ணைப் பழம் - The tree is native to Mexico, and the European "avocado" is from a"Spanish" rendering of a Mexican (Aztec) name. See Bor, N. L. Cannabis is now being leaglized for medical use in many Western countries. Dr. Kottagoda and Dr. Images and write up paeni-palaa, panipala, penipala. Mullaimaram Placename Ehelapola was the village of a rebellious Adigar (Chieften) of the Last king of Kandy who gradually became a cruel tyrant. The plants are not native, and the name "mal annasi" may be a recent invention by local horticulturalists. Seeds in thin pods. Selective breeding to increase forskolin has been successful. Thampala, The sinhala name is likely to be equivalently "Dampalaa", දම්පලා since the word "dam" refers to the purplish color of the stalks. Abelmoschus esculentus (Okra, ladies Fingers, Bhindi) Bandakka pitali vendai, Vendaikkaay Images and write up Claims of traditional (herbal) medicine ETC. The variety "Prasada" is recommended in Sr Lanka. Pyranocoumerins have been isolated.

Zeylanicus, native to Sri lanka, and the Andamans. Sesamum indicum is commonly called sesame, Family: Pedaliaceae mainly cultivated for its seeds. Its leaf and milky latex contains Papain, an enzyme which breaks down meat. A few chopped Rampa leaves are added to rice in cooking it to give it an aroma: Chandrasekaran, B. However, in contemporary usage pilli, or plli is mostly used for the Misawak tree. The south indian languages (Kannada, Tamil, malayalam etc.) use a form related to Ellu, as in Tamil. Picture and write up   shrub with simple oblong leaves and greenish flowers. Bhadramusta, Nagaramustaka- - This is a delicate, slender small herb with deep brown aromatic tubers. Andana Heeriya - - This plant is known to accumulate metal toxins like Cd from the soil. Sri Lanka with Ven. Adenanthera pavonina, Adenanthera microsperma Teijsm (Red beadtree) Madatiya, Madhatiya, මදටිය kusandana tilam, manjadi Large Tree. The leaves are also eaten, and here too the Oxalic acid must be removed. Bark extract used in diarrhoea and dysentery. Image- A vine with grape-like fruit (poisonous) probabaly containing oxalates. Perilla ocymoides is Wal Kollankola? The leaves have a pleasent nutty-leafy taste. Pickled or cooked, they serve as an appetizer. This ailment is called Rakta Vaathaya in sinhala medicine. Entada pursaetha. The tree which is indigenous to Sri Lanka. It is not generally known to Sri lankan spice users. Farmed as a cash crop in India for extracting oleoresin, used in the nutraceutical industry. Nursing mothers eat Karawila with meals to increase lactation. A good amount for iodide are They are inhibitors of the nuclear transcription factor NFkappaB. This profuse bloomer has unusual spoon-shaped leaves, and its flowers are white with a yellow center. On a double-blind randomised basis the verum group received 2x1 film tablets per day, i. Thoms.) Thw. This well-known source of atropine alkaloids does NOT seem to have an accepted Sinhala (Visa batu vael? Beru-kaetiya is another place names associated with Beru. Croton megalocarpus has become a more attractive candidate than Jatropha ( a variety of Endaru) as a source of Bio-diesel. The wood is used for furniture, floor paneling etc. I have spent over $100,000 trying to cure my wife's vascular dementia and a very bad back. E. Chestnut St. Kara", from the Sansrit, "to do", "to make", "to prepare", etc, gets carried into fr.cuire, "cocera" in Latin, Eng. It was known in China from ancient times. See alsp p 114 of Clogh's dictionary. It is treated as a weed in Sri Lanka.
Antigrowth properties of fractionated M. Sri Lankan foods like kiribath, rotti, string hoppers and pittu can be made with a fifty-fifty mix of Sorghum and wheat flour or rice floor. It is also a popular Bonsai plant (Bantulino Bonsai). Cassia genus Eth Thora, Aeth thora - - "Aeth thora" means "elephant lentil" in sinhala. Sarcocephalus cordatus (Leichhardt tree) Bakini, Bakmi, Bakmee, (Piya? Inside there are 5 compartments containing the creamy white, pinkish or orange flesh and 1 to 7 chestnut-like seeds, 3/4 to 2 1/4 in long with glossy, red-brown seed coats. Also,"Kapok". The seeds of the red amaranth, as well as the plant itself were a major food in early cultures. The leaf-extract is believed to be protective of crops aganst catterpillers. The flowers only open for a few hours in the morning sun and there are usually five petals but sometimes four or six. Click here. The flower has been used in aromatherapy and traditional medicine. This is a fruit plant endemic to Sri lanka. Bopitiya, L. Murraya koenigii The plant Helichrysum italicum, (daisy family), found in the Mediterranean region is also called a "curry plant" because of its astringent leaves. The same method is used in Sri Lanka. Parsley) Umbelliferae family, which also includes celery, carrots, dill, cilantro, caraway, cumin. Mice received daily injections of 80 mg/kg curry leaf extract for 10 days. The famous Bhuvaneka Bahu Pirivena probabaly existed here. It is neither acid, nor sweet, nor juicy; but is a good blend of all these qualities.

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